welcome aboard

Hello and welcome to oui j'aspire! A makeup, fashion and general crap-of-life blog. Please, wipe your feet at the door and come inside, the kettle is on!

Firstly, my name is Alexandra and I am from melbourne australia. WHY have I decided to make a blog? Primarily because I would like to contribute my thoughts and opinions to the beauty and fashion community of blogger! I am a massive fan of reading blogs and YouTube video of fashion (especially British b/vloggers) so I felt that I am finally in a stage of my life where I can dedicate tme and effort to make that a reality. I am 18 years old and am about to commence university.

Well, I think this is enough of a first post. I have heaps of ideas for posts and have in mind a weekly rant that I would love to do. Anywho, I'm off!