wardrobe= provides clarity?

I bought a new wardrobe. Not a collection of clothes, I actually lashed out the money on a large, decent black wooden wardrobe. I bought it from one of those places that has everything already assembled (thank fuck, the fights and abusive my mum and I create when we undertake the role of assembling furniture makes me want to knife myself...), so no real work so required.

(Nb: not my ACTUAL wardrobe. I damn well wish.)

I should give you a bit of back story. About a year ago, my old wardrobe broke. I was too stingy/proud/lazy to actually get another one, so I bought a $13 clothes rack from K-Mart. That has been holding up my clothes for a year. And oh, has it been one painfully long year.
a) it didn't stand up right
b) it was on a slant due to the weight of the clothes and would CONSTANTLY fall down
c) it looked really...messy

With my new wardrobe delivered and a public holiday off work at my disposal, I cleaned, reorganised and rearranged my room. The results? I'm going to be overlly dramatic and say clarity. The feeling of attaining organisation, clean sheets and colour coordinated clothes made my soul implode from happiness. Thus, this sinario probes the question: how has an organised room, that is also clean I should add, enabled me to feel calm, organised and dare I say productive?

Aside from this rather elaborate narration of the delivery of my wardrobe- I have been quite busy lately. I started a new job, the people are fab! So lovely, I am really enjoying myself. I went to Melbourne's Big Day Out concert and saw my favourite band, Vampire Weekend play. I've never been a maaasssive band person, although I do enjoy a cheeky Melbourne Banger*, but Vampire Weekend is so deliciously witty with their lyrics that I just can't help but love them.

Aside from that, it's my birthday on Thursday. I am turning 19. I'm going to put this out here: I am having a mild existential crisis abut turning 19. It's the last year of my teenage years. Where has my life gone? Where is my life going? I know it's ridiculous with the likes of mother heaving up the slow and depressing hill of turning 60 around the corner (okay 3 years...), but I feel like I actually haven't DONE anything that I've always wanted to do or achieve. So, in light of this mild crisis I have been having for the last week, I have decided that this year, my year of 19, I am going to take every possible opportunity I can and make everything count.