im baaaaaaccccck!

I really want to start making more of an effort to blog! it's just hard when I have ZERO followers and I feel like I am talking to myself.

1] What's been going on? Basically I have started uni again for the second semester of my first year. Shocked that i've made it this far, woohoo! I'm a lit student, politics student who also does French, just in case you were wondering.

2] I got the American Apparel DiScO pAnTs! They are legitimately as good as they say. They are SO sliming and nice and hskfjhslkjfghalskjhfdlkfjhasdkf damn they are worth the money. The way I look at buying clothes is dividing the cost of the item per wear. I have worn these damn pants every day since I bought them (AUS$122) and feel like the money was WELL damn worth it. Currently am lusting after the navy ones (swoon).

3] I think I want to go on exchange with my uni. That or go to Paris for 6 weeks with one of my best friends during June of next year. I am so damn conflicted, don't know what the heck I want.

4] I have tried the MAYBELLINE Colour Tatoos: they are so amazing. My favourite, and most used, is tough as taupe which is HEAVENLY. HEAVEN! A post & swatches are coming soon!