im baaaaaaccccck!

I really want to start making more of an effort to blog! it's just hard when I have ZERO followers and I feel like I am talking to myself.

1] What's been going on? Basically I have started uni again for the second semester of my first year. Shocked that i've made it this far, woohoo! I'm a lit student, politics student who also does French, just in case you were wondering.

2] I got the American Apparel DiScO pAnTs! They are legitimately as good as they say. They are SO sliming and nice and hskfjhslkjfghalskjhfdlkfjhasdkf damn they are worth the money. The way I look at buying clothes is dividing the cost of the item per wear. I have worn these damn pants every day since I bought them (AUS$122) and feel like the money was WELL damn worth it. Currently am lusting after the navy ones (swoon).

3] I think I want to go on exchange with my uni. That or go to Paris for 6 weeks with one of my best friends during June of next year. I am so damn conflicted, don't know what the heck I want.

4] I have tried the MAYBELLINE Colour Tatoos: they are so amazing. My favourite, and most used, is tough as taupe which is HEAVENLY. HEAVEN! A post & swatches are coming soon!


Being a literature student at university, I am forever encapsulated and contained by books. Here is a list of my current booklist, but reader's discretion is advised, I read a fuckload of books at the one time.

1- The Essential Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway. : This is a collection of some of his pieces. He is arguably my favourite writer, making me dream of 1920's Paris and the way and lives of writers and intellectuals of the time. Swooooon. Fiesta is a great piece of prose.

2- Stasiland, Anna Funder: FANTASTIC! Such an amazing book by an amazing writer. Really enjoying it at the minuet.

3- Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert: A classic.

4- Love in the time of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez: A recommendation from my mother's partner. He is obsessed with the books and passed on to me. I've just began to read it and am quite engaged in the prose. Will keep you posted!

Also am starting Perfume: A story of Murder and the Corrections. So excited to read them! Maybe I should start a book journal?